Wednesday 27 February 2013

How To Gain Success In Your Life - Tips To Reach Success In Life Goals

Some people believe your level of success in life is measured by how much money you are making. I consider success to be overcoming challenges to get anything that adds significant value to your life. It doesn't have to be money alone. Rather, it's anything that has a positive impact on you as a person, but which required a certain amount of work or struggle to accomplish. Regardless of who you are or where you are from, there most likely is something that you desire but don't have as yet. It could be something small or something big, when you eventually get what you desire - consider it that you gain success. Here are a few words to help you gain success in your dreams and goals. Go After Your Dreams This sounds obvious, but it's really the ultimate thing to do to gain success. A major reason why so many people do not get what they want or be where they want to be is not taking necessary action to reach their dreams. People allow resistant elements like fear and procrastination to keep them back from going after their big dreams. The key is to take baby steps one at a time to make your dreams become a reality. Do Not Be Afraid To Fail Honestly, I believe if you are not prepared to fail, you are not prepared to succeed. You have to take risks. Fear of failure will prevent you from going hard after your goals. keep in mind that you may fail along the way, but you should only consider this to be delays - not defeat. Moreover, failure should be perceived as personal lessons that will make you more knowledgeable and stronger, thus better equip to fight the battle until you are victorious. Failure is something that most successful people encounter to get to great positions. There is rarely a success story that doesn't have instances of failure in it. Follow Your Passion Passion is important to succeed at anything. Your goal must be meaningful to you - if not you will easily give up before gaining success. If you don't have passion for your work you will also function on a low motivational level, resulting in poor productivity and minimal endurance. Frankly, I believe that if you are not naturally passionate about something, you can develop passion for it. So build passion and be stronger when going after your goals and dreams. Don't Follow The Crowd People that think the same way and do the same things oftentimes end up in the same place in life. Therefore, you need to have your own mindset and design your own life plan. Don't be a follower and get the same faith like the people you are following. Thinking differently will put you on the right path to success. Sung Hopper enjoys submitting articles he believes will help people improve their life in some way or another. He says determination and hard work is key for a successful life. Article Source:

INSPIRING SHAUN QUINCEY, Shaun Rowed solo from Australia to New Zealand, in a kayak, overcoming all Fears, he stayed focused and achieved his goal. This is a photo of my Partner Graham Lawson with Shaun Quincey at the Neways Convention after shaun gave us the most amazing re-count of his crossing.

Dream, Dream, highlights from the 2013 Neways Convention Brisbane Australia .. Helping to improve the lives of people all over the planet, one person, one family, one healthy home at a time.

Amanda Gore - why woman are different to men

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Stand Up For Your Beliefs

There will come a time in your life that you will be questioned and possibly challenged because of your belief system. Whether it is your faith, the way you raise your family or how you run your business - the challenge will always arise. What will you do when you are faced with that challenge? Will you conform to the one challenging you or will you stand up for your beliefs? Wow! That is a difficult and perhaps a very 'deep' question. It is also one that you shouldn't rush to answer. If you are truly sound and grounded on your beliefs you may not have any difficulties at all. But for those who are teetering, it is wise to step back and assess your situation. It's important to note that you will not please every one. In fact, you will NOT please every one so, why try? You will make decisions in your life that will solely be based on YOU and some that are based on perhaps a family that depends on you. Again you must assess the situation and react accordingly. However, one thing that I must caution you with is that whatever it is that you believe in - be true to who YOU are. Don't make hasty decisions because of the pressure of your family, your colleagues, your friends, or your community. Truly step back and consider why you do what you do. Is it because someone told you to? Is it because everyone else is doing it? Is it because you must? Is it because you don't know any different? or Is it because you truly love what you do? Is it because you are challenged by your actions? Is it because you are 'good' at it and YOU know it? Again, lots of questions that only YOU can answer. There are people that can help guide you and perhaps give you solutions but once I again the decision and choice is yours. Once you make that choice you must stand up for your belief in said choice. Understand that you will make decisions that will not have positive outcomes. Notice how I wrote 'will' and not 'may'? Yes, it's inevitable that you will make decisions that will not be 'great' ones but that is part of life! It is evident from watching children grow up. They will make choices no matter what the parent or guardian advises. It doesn't matter how often you tell them the 'fire is hot'- their curiosity will take over and they will go near the fire and many times will get burnt. Once that happens you know they will not do it again! Your curiosity does not change as you age. Which is why some of the decisions or choices you make will not be the 'best' no matter how many times you may have been told differently. The important part is that you 'learn' from your decisions just at the child who goes near the fire. Be firm in your beliefs! Understand that you will not please everyone and as soon as you accept that fact you will continue to grow. I leave you with this 'Get Real' tip that I shared with many of my online friends: Don't be afraid to share your beliefs and passions...let's face it... you won't appeal to everyone so don't try...Be YOU!! Don't change for the masses...stay true to YOU, Your passions and Your beliefs...Be FEARLESS! Dr. Daisy Sutherland, CEO/Founder of Dr. Mommy is a doctor, mom, wife, author, 'Get Real' mentor and speaker. Her love of helping and educating others has branched to blog talk radio and syndicated radio shows and television. Dr. Mommy's Mission: To help you find the balance necessary to achieve success in your health, your life and business.. Article Source:

Monday 25 February 2013

What is the Essence of Life?

"Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you're going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal, and by maintaining focus." Oprah Winfrey Talk Show Host, Actress, Producer, and Philanthropist

Laughing Is The Best Medicine In Life

There's nothing like a great laugh, whether it be a great belly laugh or a raucous roar. Someone who is deeply caught up in a laugh, who is laughing so hard they can barely breathe, always stands out in a crowd. In fact, if someone is laughing hard enough, they can make you laugh, even if you don't know what was funny in the first place. That's because laughter is contagious, and it's also very good for you. Laughter is emotional chicken noodle soup for the soul. It makes you feel better no matter how bad things seem, rescues you from sadness, and helps improve your outlook, even on the worst of days. Laughter is fueled by the most powerful of emotions, it's fueled by joy. So if you want to improve your life, your mood and your outlook, learn to laugh more. The great thing about laughter is, it has many positive benefits. There's something behind the old saying, turn that frown upside down. Did you know that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile? That's right, it's harder to be sad and to frown, than it is to relax, smile, laugh and enjoy yourself. Yet so many of us are stressed so much of the time. We are preoccupied with work and bills and daily agitations, and we work harder to be sadder. We learn to wear a scowl on our face, which worsens our bad mood. How do we break out of that cycle? Loosen up, literally. Laughing loosens muscles, so find a good joke or a good comedy on the tube and let the laughter rip. You'll loosen up muscles in your face, neck and body. You'll start to feel better, more relaxed, and soon the brain will release these wonderful little things called endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals that the brain releases, known as neurotransmitters, which give you a feeling and sense of euphoria. They're the brains natural and most wonderful feel good pills, and they're very healthy for you. The more you laugh, the more the endorphins flow, the better you'll feel. Remember, too, that laughter is contagious. As you feel better and your mood improves, those around you will start to feel better and their mood will improve too. This will help to feed your good mood, and soon enough, you'll be genuinely happy. So if you're feeling stresses or down and out, break the cycle. Prescribe yourself a good dose of laughter. Find a friend or a beloved pet that makes you laugh and spend some quality time with them. Go to a comedy club. Find a comic, be it Chris Rock, Bill Cosby or Robin Williams, and let them go to work on your scowl. It's therapeutic, and it's good for you. Then watch a comedy movie that will crack you up. All work and no play, as they say, can be a real downer. There's no medicine like laughter, so find a way to make yourself laugh. Not only will you enjoy it, as will those you love, it's good for your health. If anyone gives you a hard time about fooling around too much or tells you that you're not serious, tell them to loosen up and laugh a little, because it's good for them. From the Three Stooges to Steve Martin, comics have been making people feel better and have been performing mass therapy for years. Isn't it time that you joined in? If you're feeling stressed or down, find a good joke, it's the best medicine you can take. Miriam B. Medina is a successful website administrator and writer. She is a strong woman with a Positive Mental Attitude who has overcome her bitter past to lead a better, more peaceful life. Miriam believes that the best medicine one can take for feeling down or stressed out is laughter. She invites you to share her worthwhile thoughts at: Article Source:

Attraction and Visualisation secrets by John Assaraf

Habits to Help Change Your Life!

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle In the light of the above quote, let's start with doing the fundamentals right, considering things from an open mind and possessing a willingness to change. As it is said that the key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value. One must work day and night on self-improvement as it is not something that must be done in free time in fact work place is a fantastic place to develop, improve networking skills and sharpen memory. Get involved in newer things; could be technology, books, sports, exploring the world, knowing history etc. life is about trying new things, stretching ourselves, and having adventures. Don't delay happiness and fun for next time. Never settle for boring or second best things, you definitely deserve The Best! Keep telling yourself this, it does wonders. You got to start getting things done today; in fact if it takes less than a minute, do it right at the moment and avoid mental clutters. Start learning from others' mistakes; this is indeed easier said than done. But it is a very effective way to avoid unnecessary pains. Understand that failure is always the price we pay for our ambition, if you are not failing regularly; there is a good chance that you are not growing. Be honest to yourself, learn to stay calm and be gentle with yourself. Be disciplined, as the price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret. This will help you keep aligned with your dreams and goals. Always take responsibility of your actions, it is natural to want to blame others and shift your problems elsewhere. Recognize this natural instinct and fight it. By owning your problems, you will indeed unlock the door to a better life. Define what success means to you, don't waste your life chasing others description of success. Recognize the importance of being time affluent. for the future, strategize for tomorrow but do enjoy your life today. Improve your standard of living through creating alternate streams of income. It is hard, but definitely not impossible. Say it to yourself, 'today is the day I change my life'. I am progressing as a person and becoming somebody much stronger, much more focused and eventually much more successful. And I tell you what, 'YOU WILL SUCCEED'. Article Source:

The Right Path by Bob Proctor