Tuesday 28 January 2014

Activities for Seniors Should Aim for Physical Fitness

Even before you reach the age of 40, your body starts to experience all sorts of problems. Senior citizens need so much more help and attention to keep their bodies fit, healthy and free from disease. It is important to focus on physical fitness as one of the mainstays of activities for the elderly. Here are some proven guidelines that boost wellness and life.

The Right Exercises

The right exercises should always rely on the senior's personal capacity and current condition. It is best to have a physical check up and thorough assessment to make sure that the activities can be well-tolerated and complications are avoided. Seniors who have been sedentary for several years or months need to break into an exercise program or regime slowly. A physical therapist can best provide the right movements and warm up techniques that will stabilize joints and strengthen muscles.

Seniors are not advised to immediately join group sports or enter a weight training program without warming up their muscles well. They should check how their body responds to various movements first, before embarking on any strenuous exercise. You should also get enough nutrition rich in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates for fast recovery and optimum resistance. Sleep adequately days before your first exercise routine to gather strength and stick to the program longer.

What a Typical Program Consists Of

The regular program includes physical fitness exercises, complete with the right equipment, trainers and machines. The elderly may be placed on exercise machines like stationary bicycles, treadmills, elliptical trainers and the like. They may also be asked to walk around the senior center grounds. Those who are more capable can try mild jogging. There are classes as well held on schedule which includes yoga, aerobics, martial arts, tai chi, etc. Seniors may join these programs as they please. Sessions are typical 2 to 3 times per week.

There are also therapeutic sessions where individuals are gathered into groups to communicate, play games and share their experiences. This is a good opportunity for seniors to discuss their concerns and current conditions and problems, if they have any. Seniors will be formed into pairs or groups as well, depending on their preference.

Objectives of the Exercises

Exercises are provided to senior citizens to attain the following: flexibility, strength, balance and endurance. Stretching exercises greatly boost flexibility, which can prevent injury should seniors fall or trip. To enhance endurance, seniors can do cardiovascular activities like running, jogging, walking or bicycling to get their heart rate up. This is especially good for lowering cholesterol levels, stress and blood pressure.

To enhance strength, weight training exercises may be provided according to the physical capacities of seniors to minimize pains and aches. Balancing is highly important for elder individuals to prevent accidents. There are balancing exercises like walking with eyes closed, lifting one leg up, etc. These can minimize the occurrence of falls.

More Benefits

There are several benefits that you can get from activities for seniors. These can reduce depression and stress, lower risk for heart and cardiovascular ailments, boost flexibility, reduce diabetes, produce endorphins that make people feel better, prevent disease, maintain the ability to do various activities and enhances range of motion.

The advantages among individuals may differ, depending on their age, response to the activity and current condition. Overall, physical activity always renders positive results.

Activities for Seniors Should Aim for Physical Fitness

Saturday 25 January 2014

Got Asthma? Exercise Is the Right Prescription

Asthma can be a very troublesome disorder. Everyone who is an asthmatic knows what it feels like to enter the "attack zone", which is the zone where an asthma attack is pending or beginning. You can read the symptoms of an asthma attack on all sorts of websites, but the description doesn't capture the anxiety, the sense of helplessness or the fact that every asthmatic has his or her particular set of symptoms that are slightly different from anyone else. Asthma is a very personal thing.

This is why many asthmatics feel that exercise just isn't for them. Yet, any exercise that builds stamina without requiring heavy exertion can be beneficial for people with asthma. Exercise increases strength and the ability of the body to tolerate asthma triggers like pollen. So, it helps on both ends, by reducing the frequency of attacks and raising physical strength level, thereby enabling faster recovery from attacks. Exercise also strengthens your lungs and heart, which has positive, long term affects on health and lifestyle. The more exercise, the more easily your body can tolerate exertion. In fact, going a long time without exercise can actually increase the chances of an asthma attack, so exercise is actually an important tool in controlling asthma.
There is debate as to which exercises are the best for asthmatics. Some suggest swimming because of the warm moist environment of the swimming pool, while others consider swimming too high a level of exertion. Weightlifting is also suggested and it is a good way to build strength and stamina. The problem is that experts haven't reached a consensus because asthma is such a personal disorder, with different asthmatics having different susceptibilities, strengths and weaknesses. Although, walking is considered the best exercise by most experts, there is some disagreement about it too.
So, the best way to exercise is to know your limitations at any given time. The first step is to see your doctor for a medical evaluation. Your doctor may be able to suggest what exercises are best to start with and may prescribe medication for controlling your condition during exercise.
Whatever exercises you do, try to build up slowly. The trick is to pace yourself. Keep aware and pay attention for signs of an impending attack and don't physically push yourself into the "attack zone." Warm up slowly with mild aerobic exercise. Always bring your inhaler with you and use it when necessary. Then gently resume your exercise only if your symptoms disappear. And give yourself plenty of time to cool down after exercise. The point is to build up slowly, never pushing yourself beyond what your body can handle at any given time.
While different asthmatics require different exercise programs, Yoga and Ti-Chi can be added to practically any program because they normally don't require much exertion but do build stamina, even though they seem quite mild. Yoga also helps build lung capacity because of its focus on breathing.
Asthma doesn't have to stop you from getting into shape. It's just a matter of taking the right approach on the gradient that's right for you.

Friday 24 January 2014

The History Of Multiple Sclerosis

What is multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is believed to have been discovered over many centuries ago. Since then questions have been raised but it is only now that they are actually answered.
After numerous research and many series of studies have been done with regards to multiple sclerosis, it has been found out that multiple sclerosis is one of the diseases affecting the nervous system that are usually experienced by the people.
More about its etiology
This disease affects people belonging to all ages from all walks of life, with a preference towards young individuals. According to statistical research, the women are the most common carriers of this disease, especially to those who reside in the northern parts of the globe.
It has been found out due to research that multiple sclerosis has a genetic susceptibility. However, it is not directly inherited.
Moreover, since this disease predominantly affects the nervous system, neurological symptoms are being manifested. Such symptoms include paralysis, walking problems, loss of vision and numbness. These symptoms are often diverse, extremely confusing and patternless. This makes it even more difficult for a definite diagnosis.
These symptoms occur because of abnormalities in the nervous system due to the inability to transmit or the incorrect transmission of signals. A fatty substance that surrounds and acts as an insulator for the nerve fibers is called myelin. It is the myelin that the nerves need in order to correctly conduct the necessary amount of electricity for the body's normal functioning. However, in multiple sclerosis, the myelin is damaged.
As an autoimmune disease, the body's own cells and proteins attack its own kind, failing to recognize it as self. The immune system naturally attacks foreign bodies, but since multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder, the body's very own cells attack its own healthy cells and tissues.
Its early years
Back in the 19th century, people would only listen and believe to hearsay, superstition and the wisdom of the elderly or those who normally take care of whoever was sick. Medications were never tested, and physicians mainly depended on their observing skills for a definite diagnosis. However, upon looking at their journals, it could be derived that they were indeed correct in diagnosing such cases as multiple sclerosis because the information written certainly leads to such disease.
In the 19th century, specifically 1838, there were already drawings of patients who had multiple sclerosis. Although the physicians back then did not have a full understanding of multiple sclerosis and what the disease could lead to, the drawings clearly indicate and who what is today known as multiple sclerosis.
Its detailed discovery
It was a professor named Jean-Martin Charcot who discovered all about multiple sclerosis. It was 1868 and he was a professor of neurology specifically at the University of Paris during the time. He has been given the tag "father of neurology
because of his many contributions to the world of neurology.
It has been recorded that Professor Charcot got to observe a woman who had tremors which were very new to him. Aside from the tremors, he also saw other neurological symptoms such as abnormal movements of the eyes and blurring of vision. Since the medicine back then was far from being advanced, his patient died. During the autopsy, he found out that her brain had plaques or scars that doctors now know are characteristic of multiple sclerosis.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

A workout for your mind

Good thinking: Jogging can be a great exercise for the brain.
Good thinking: Jogging can be a great exercise for the brain. Photo: AMR Image
If more people aren't embracing the message to get moving maybe it's because no one's done a great job of selling it. When it comes to clocking up the minimum recommended 30 minutes of physical activity five times a week, most of us fall short – only 43 per cent of Australians get this amount of exercise according to Australian Bureau of Statistics figures released last year.
It's not as if we don't know that  movement can bring real rewards – like a body that works better - but often exercise comes across  as a bit like Brussels sprouts – something that's good for us but to be endured rather than enjoyed. Or it's sold in a way that puts so much emphasis on lean, fast moving bodies that some of us are left discouraged rather than inspired.
"Neuroscientists have argued that exercise can encourage innovation and problem solving. Not because it helps us study more rigorously but because it allows our intellect to relax a little." 
But here's a book with a fresh message about exercise that might nudge some reluctant exercisers into moving more. In How to Think about Exercise, Melbourne philosopher Damon Young argues that exercise isn't just a workout for heart and muscle, but a way to help the mind and the spirit thrive.
"Exercise can make you fitter and that's important but it's often framed as something you do to prevent bad things rather than something to be enjoyed for its own sake," he says. "Running makes me fit but that's not why I do it – it's because I like the rhythm, the solitude and the reverie," says Young who wrote the book partly to debunk the myth that exercise is anti-intellectual.
"When I tell people I'm going for a run or going to do weight training they're astonished that someone whose job is to think wants to pick up a steel bar. I wanted to do away with the idea that people who exercise can't think and that people who think can't exercise."
Now that more jobs involve working with our minds rather than our bodies, exercise is especially important, not just to get us moving but to enhance mental function, he points out. It's no coincidence that stepping away from the desk to take a walk can be a short cut to problem solving – by letting the mind roam free, both walking and jogging are great exercises for contemplation, says Young.
"Neuroscientists have argued that exercise can encourage innovation and problem solving. Not because it helps us study more rigorously but because it allows our intellect to relax a little. To digest our meal of facts and arguments," he writes. "Busy with pounding legs and pumping arms, the intellect's walls come down and previously parted ideas and impressions can freely mingle."
Still it has to be an activity that allows the mind free range. Anything requiring more concentration – rock climbing, for instance – isn't a good fit for a mind that needs to wander, although it can have other benefits like fostering what's called 'flow' – that state of mindfulness where you're so absorbed in what you're doing that everything else seems to melt away. There are many different activities that can induce the kind of mental focus that leads to flow - the trick says Young is finding something that's challenging enough to make you concentrate but not so tough that you're distracted by anxiety or confusion. That's different for all of us - for me, it's any exercise involving focus and a steady rhythm like rowing, paddling or lifting weights.
And don't forget the sense of freedom that comes with breaking into a jog, especially after a day stuck to an office chair. Although Young gets his own after work buzz from hill sprints, he's not suggesting we all do this. His advice is to just run as fast as you can for as long as you can which, when you think about it, is exactly what kids do – only when they run around we don't call it exercise, we call it play.

Monday 20 January 2014

Superfoods to Fight Flatulence

There are many causes for flatulence, such as overeating, eating too quickly, excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates or artificial sweeteners, food allergies and intolerance, a deficiency of vitamin B, excessive consumption of alcohol, emotional stress and parasites. One of the most common causes can be lactose, found in dairy products such as milk and cheese. Many other healthy foods can also cause gas, such as cabbage, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, onions, cauliflower, whole wheat flour, radishes, bananas and apricots. Luckily, with some adjustments in our food choices and eating habits, the chances of this embarrassing malady can be greatly lessened or eliminated.

Do not overeat, and chew food slowly. Try to identify if it is a certain food causing the problem and eliminate it from your diet. Try chewing a sprig of parsley after meals. Try lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in water with your meal. You might also want to try sipping your drinks slowly through a straw in an effort to minimize the amount of air you take in during drinking.

Vitamin B complex, especially B3 (niacin) rich foods like light-meat chicken, tuna, salmon, turkey, enriched flour, peanuts, and fortified cereals can be helpful as they aid in the digestive process and in converting food to energy.

Yogurts that have acidophilus and peppermint oil in water sipped with the meal can also help with the digestive process.  If the problem persists, you may want to try and eat proteins and carbohydrates in different meals.

In addition, peppermint and fennel-based teas are useful for occasional indigestion, particularly when there is flatulence and a sensation of fullness. Ginger has been shown to promote the flow of digestive juices, a normal process that supports the digestive system.

Sunday 19 January 2014

The Alkalising Detox Diet

All you need is 10 days to feel the best you have ever felt
The Alkalising Detox Diet

What is alkaline?

The concept of acid and alkaline foods is a confusing one. For instance,lemons are sour and acidic, yet they have an alkalising effect on the body. This is due to lemons’ mineral content, and the influence these minerals have on pH, or the acid/alkaline scale.  The upshot is acidic tasting foods can be alkalising.
pH levels vary within the body. For instance stomach acid has a low (or acidic) pH of 2-3, whereas bile, that helps break down fat has a higher (or more alkaline) pH of 8-9. Blood pH is between 7.35-7.45 or slightly alkaline. The tiniest upward shift in pH will have a positive impact on your wellbeing.

Why alkalise?

Naturopaths believe certain conditions including arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, gout and eczema are acidic in nature. The best way to prevent them is to reduce acid forming foods and increase alkaline forming foods. This 10-day alkalising detox will fast track your body to being in a more alkaline state.
The other benefits of alkalising your diet include more energy, loss of body fat, greater concentration and clarity and clear and glowing skin.

How to follow the Alkalising Detox Diet

  • Alcohol – while alcohol is not acidic per se, it is toxic to all cells. The liver, our largest organ of detoxification works very hard to eliminate alcohol so give it a break!
  • Sugar as it is acid forming 
  • Grains, including wheat, rye, oats, barley, rice, millet, quinoa, spelt – all are acid-forming
  • Animal protein – beef, lamb, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy except whey and ricotta 
  • Coffee – is not acid-forming, but is a stimulant, so is banned during this detox  

  • Fresh seasonal fruit
  • Fresh vegetables and salad– all kinds and all colours (the greener the better - spinach is the most alkaline vegetable)
  • Tofu and tempeh  
  • Hazelnuts are the most alkaline nuts, but also include a selection of other nuts and seeds including almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, sesame seeds, chia, pumpkin and sunflower  
  • Ricotta as it is made from whey, the alkaline portion of dairy products
  • Oils – coconut, virgin olive
  • Herbs and spices - eg turmeric, oregano, mint, parsley, garlic
  • Herbal teas –  burdock, clivers, echinacea, red clover, calendula, are especially detoxifying while herbal tea such as peppermint or chamomile is alkalising  


Tuesday 14 January 2014

5 New Year Resolutions For Singles

Going into a New Year and you are single. It's not the worst thing that could happen. Instead of making resolutions you won't stick to, try these easy resolutions that can make your year as a single a whole lot better.
1. Out with the Old and in with the New. This does just a " New Year" phrase, but can be a statement in regards to your relationships. If a person is not is not in your present, then there is a reason for that. Stop trying to figure out why they are not there, stop trying to bring the bad relationships karma with you into future relationships, and stop trying to figure out what you did wrong. Because whatever the answer to those questions may be, it does not matter. All that matters is the present and moving froward. So if you are stuck on past people or relationships, do not let that drama come with you into the new year. Let it go.
2. Make a resolution that makes you better. You can always make a resolution not to be single. But look at the reasons that are keeping you from a relationship. Look at making a resolutions that makes you a better and make you feel more confident. This could be working out, taking classes, or taking better care of your health. A better feeling you, means that your confidence level will soar through the roof, and people around you will notice. And you never know, being a better you, may attract a better person.
3. Get out, get up, and go somewhere. If you are constantly visiting the same bars, clubs, and places. And your still single. Then guess what, it may be time for a change. If the places that you were going to didn't work out so well, why not step out of your comfort zone and try something or somewhere different. One thing that borders on the side of being uncool, is when you walk in the bar and everyone knows your name. They know what you are going to order, they know all about your personal business, and because you frequent there so much the bar tender gave you a Christmas card for the holidays. Its a little lame. Try a little change of scenery.
3. Dress up. Dressing up can be an underestimated thing. I dare you to go outside with no make up on, sweats, and looking like the hot mess express and see how much attention you get. Then I dare you to look your finest meaning make up, perfume, and putting some thought into your appearance. It is not just about other people that will notice you because of your appearance. But looking your best also makes you feel good about yourself. And when you feel good about yourself. Other people take notice as well.
4. Don't Worry be Happy. If you are going into the new year single. Don't fret and get all upset and depressed about it. Enjoy your life anyway. Weather you are having a dinner for one or two, just be joyful. If you are a depressed single, then what makes you think that someone else is magically going to make you happy. Other people do not make you happy. You make yourself happy, and allow the other person to add on to your awesome package of happiness. Often times, when people see you are happy on your own, they are more open to being in a relationships with you, because they assume that you are not going to be Debbie Downer the whole time.
So if you are going into the new year single. Fret not. It is not the end of the world. Just enjoy your life, and your New Year resolution should be to make your life better than it was last year. Weather you are with someone or not.


Tuesday 7 January 2014

Your Life May Never Be The Same!

People are going wild over this new company Jim Britt and Jim Lutes are launching in the personal development field.

Without the benefit of Personal Development in my life I know I would not have been able to cope
and do and achieve the things I have with my MS health challenges.

I have a rich library of books and Cd's and after looking into this exciting new company launch
I felt I had to share the opportunity with you as well.

Take a look at the link.. it may be something for you!


New Year’s Detoxifying Juice

Post image for New Year’s Detoxifying Juice
This post is part of our restricted diet series from Beth of Tasty Yummies.
I am sure we’ve all had our fair share of sweets and other indulgences over the last two weeks. Come January 2nd every year, I am ready to get back to super clean eating, tons of fruits and veggies and wave goodbye to the sweets, cookies, and cocktails for a while.
I am taking extra special care the next couple of days to get in lots of detoxifying and cleansing foods to help get my body ready for my month-long yoga teacher training program that I start next week. I want to be in tip-top mental shape, ready to take in all that I am about to learn. For me what I am eating and consuming has a direct reflection on my mind and my ability to focus.
This juice was the perfect way to start the day today and I have a feeling many days to come this month. Ginger, beet, lemon, apple, celery, cucumber, and parsley come together for a bright, fresh and cleansing juice.
The benefits:
Ginger is energizing and it’s wonderful for improving your digestive system and detoxifying your body by moving the food through the intestines quicker. Ginger is also a natural antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory food and acts as an amazing decongestant.
Cucumbers are excellent for detoxifying, as they are mostly water. They help with bloat and work to keep you hydrated with their many electrolytes. They also contain Vitamins A, C, and K and are high in calcium and potassium.
Celery is loaded potassium, iron, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, and essential amino acids. Celery is actually one of the most alkalizing foods you can consume.
Beets are a powerful cleanser of the blood, are high in iron and a great source of vitamin c, magnesium, dietary fiber, folate and potassium. They also contain betalains, compounds that fight inflammation and support detoxifying by neutralizing toxins and making them easily flushed from the body.
Lemons are a natural detoxifier and have a diuretic effect, which helps toxins to be released from the body. Lemons also stimulate bile production and detoxify your liver. I actually recommend consuming warm lemon water every morning for a variety of detoxifying and cleansing benefits.
Apples contain pectin that helps to break down toxins in the intestines and help maintain a healthy bowel function.
Parsley contains vitamins A, C and K, which aid in having a healthy immune system.
How do you detoxify and reset your body after the holidays?
new year's detoxifying juice
New Year’s Detoxifying Juice    
serves 1
1 1/2-inch nub of ginger
1 large cucumber
2 stalks celery
1 large beet, or two small
1 lemon, peel and pith removed
2 small apples, cored and cut into wedges
1 large handful of parsley
Press all of the ingredients through a juice extractor. Stir and serve immediately.
