Thursday 22 August 2013

Quinoa Tabouli

I love quinoa it's a great alternative to rice or couscous. It is very versatile. You can buy it in a few different varieties and forms of quinoa such as flakes and enjoy them for breakfast similar to porridge or use as a cereal. I like the grains which also come in red and I cook them as I would cook rice.

Quinoa has many health benefits and is a great source of protein. If you are not consuming meat in your diet then quinoa is an important food to add to your meals.


One of the most protein-rich foods. It is a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids.
Quinoa has almost twice as much fiber as most other grains.
Quinoa contains Iron. Iron carries oxygen from one cell to another and supplies oxygen to our muscles to aid in their contraction. Iron also increases brain function.
Quinoa contains lysine. Lysine is mainly essential for tissue growth and repair.
It is rich in magnesium. Magnesium helps to relax blood vessels and thereby to alleviate migraines. Other health benefits of magnesium include transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth.
Quinoa is high in Riboflavin (B2). B2 improves energy metabolism within brain and muscle cells and is known to help create proper energy production in cells.
Quinoa has a high content of manganese.

Quinoa Tabouli recipe:

1 cup quinoa - Add a pinch of vegetable stock while cooking - optional
2 large tomatoes, remove the seeds and finely chop
1/2 red onion, diced
2 cups Parsley, chopped
1/2 cup mint leaves, chopped
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil

I like to soak and rinse my quinoa to remove the bitter outer layer before cooking.

1. Cook quinoa as directed add the vegetable stock.

2. Place the chopped tomatoes, parsley, mint and onion in a bowl and stir in the lemon juice and olive oil.

3. Allow the quinoa to cool for about 1/2 hour.

4. Mix the quinoa to the tomato mix.

5. Place in the fridge for as long as you can to allow the flavours to mix together.

Enjoy in many different ways.

I had mine straight up, on sourdough and then rolled the remaining Quinoa Tabouli in Nori sheets, sushi style.

Enjoy :)


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Discover the Unhealthiest Truths About Some "Health Foods"

Discover the Unhealthiest Truths About Some "Health Foods"

Secrets on How to Use Pinterest for List Building

I have recently started a Pinterest account for health and wellness and sharing tips on MS... I found this really easy to read and follow article on setting up your Pinterest account and thought it very useful to share. Sharon 

Tip #1 - Benefit from Your Existing Social Connections Incorporating your current Facebook, MySpace and Twitter accounts to your Pinterest will speedily and conveniently gain you a lot more Pinterest supporters. Performing this and properly setting the authorizations will cause any item you pin to be broadcasted to your followers or friends in the incorporated networking sites. Assuming that you have built strong positive relationships with peers in the other sites, a lot of them will almost automatically support your Pinterest profile. 

Tip #2 - Make it Simple to Pin Your Content You can incorporate Pinterest control buttons into your product pages and other parts of your website to easily gain new Pinterest followers. Because Pinterest is quite new, these buttons can quickly catch the attention of many individuals, who will be encouraged to follow your Pinterest profile and actively interact with your new web page. 

Tip #3 - Build Forums to Support Your Posts You can develop a Pinterest panel that focuses on an aspect of your content. For example, if your web page is about dog training tips and you wish to recommend certain advices; you can establish a Pinterest panel that connects the post with visual illustrations in your Pinterest page. Performing this will make your content much more engaging and will compel online visitors to become loyal to you. 

Tip #4 - Pin Regularly Like other public press web pages, you must be able to pin not too little and not too many articles. Too few articles will make visitors view your profile with very little or no value at all. Too many updates will irritate or frustrate your followers. It is recommended that you must post five to thirty new pins daily. 

Tip #5 - Enhance Your Board Labeling Structure Label your Pinterest panels accordingly and make the names as exciting and as engaging but as easily comprehensible as possible. Appropriate labels are beneficial in acquiring new and maintaining current Pinterest supporters. Your witty panel brands must therefore be straightforward in telling what your boards contain. 

Tip #6 - Personally Curate Your Own Pins If you merely repin content elaborately made by others, you will fail in motivating your Pinterest customers to remain faithful to you. You must therefore strive to generate your own content based on existing effective articles. You can also rely on resources that you're strongly acquainted with but barely known by the Pinterest community. 

Tip #7 - Follow Pinterest Users Like other major social networking sites, following other Pinterest users will increase your chances of having your eloquent and intelligent articles read by many future subscribers. This desirable effect is easier to achieve if you follow power customers. Identify the Pinterest users who are most diligent in posting articles and who have the largest armies of supporters. Follow such users and repin some of their written masterpieces. Some of them will be kind enough to return the favor and this will make you attractive to members of their massive networks. 

Tip #8 - Perform a Pin Exchange Because it's improper to excessively pin your own content, you can negotiate a partnership with other online marketers in your niche and perform a pin exchange. This exchange permits your articles to get endorsed through Pinterest without implying your direct involvement. This approach will strengthen your reputation among the community members and therefore increase your future revenues. 

Tip #9 - Utilize More Boards It's quite obvious that if you present several boards on a wide range of interests and topics, you will be rewarding yourself with high chances of attracting long-term subscribers. It will also be very beneficial for you to develop boards that are based purely on your personal interests. 

Tip #10 - Pin Newsworthy Content You must be viewed as a respected "thought leader" in your niche. You can achieve this desirable status by developing hooks for fresh topics in your niche. You can also develop boards that purely cater to the new fields of interest in your market. 

Tip #11 - Compose Retrievable Captions Pinterest customers look for new interesting pins using interesting keywords. If your pin does not possess those popular and attractive keywords, you will lose the chance to encounter many potential customers. Your pin saying or caption must therefore contain the right keywords aside from being excitingly informative. Keep in mind that you must avoid unnecessary keywords and outdated generic sayings. 

Tip #12 - Only Use Exceptional Photos Pinterest is primarily about picture sharing and you must therefore ensure that you will only pin high quality photos. This exceptional quality must reflect both on how visually attractive the actual pictures are and how interesting are the themes portrayed by the photos.

Shocking Causes of Arthritis You Don’t Know About (But Should)

Ask a doctor why you have arthritis and you’ll probably hear a rambling response involving vague phrases like “multiple causes”, “inflammation” and “genetics”.

There’s some truth to the fact that many things contribute to arthritis. But most of these fly under the radar screen of most doctors (and many of their patients).

That’s why I’m shedding light are 6 of the most common (yet unknown) arthritis causes:

Smoking: It’s no secret that smoking rips your lungs to shreds. According to research published in Arthritis & Rheumatism, people who smoke have double the risk of developing arthritis than those that “say no to butts.”

How does a pack a day habit make your joints ache? Scientists have found that smoking dramatically escalates your body’s inflammation levels –the underlying cause of all arthritis.

Eating Red Meat: You choose chicken over steak for your heart. But could that occasional breakfast bacon bout lead to arthritis?

Dorothy Pattison of National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society discovered that people who regularly red meat doubled their risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. The saturated fat in red meat seems to bumps up inflammation –leading to arthritis.

Not Enough Vitamin C: People who don’t eat vitamin C rich fruits and veggies are playing Russian roulette with arthritis. Duke University researchers found that people who didn’t get enough vitamin C had higher rates of osteoarthritis –the most common form of arthritis.

Watching TV: People that watch TV are much more likely to suffer from the extra pounds that often lead to arthritis. Flipping channels actually burns less calories than sleeping. Also, inactive joints are much more susceptible to arthritis “flare ups”.

To prevent arthritis (and obesity) limit your TV watching to an hour or less per day.

Being Alone: Drop by the neighbors house, pick up the phone, or shoot off an email: being socially connected significantly reduces your risk of struggling with severe arthritis.

Researchers at the University of Oxford found that people who were socially isolated tended to have more severe rheumatoid arthritis than those with a strong social network.

Allergies: Whether you’re allergic to peanuts or pollen, those allergies can make your joints cry out in pain. Allergies make your body’s immune system go haywire --making inflammation spiral out of control.

That’s why people with allergies are much more likely to have arthritis joints than those who are allergy free.

21 Ways To Knock Out Arthritis You Don’t Know (But Should)

Knowing the causes of arthritis is one thing. Doing something about it is something else altogether.

To help you recover from arthritis in 21 short days, we’ve recently launched our new program: 
Blue Heron Guide to Healing Arthritis. After you reserve your cops, you’ll learn the secrets that thousands of others have used to reverse arthritis without needing mind-numbing medications or deadly surgical procedures. 

5 Important Must-Know Natural Gout Treatments Tips for Gout Pain

Gout pain is one of the worst joint pains that humans have ever known. The medications from the doctor are just not working at all. It is always best to find some natural gout treatment to supplement and aid in treating the gout pain that is keeping you awake at night. Old school remedies never runs out of fashion and they might work surprisingly well for your gout pain. 

You will find 5 very important natural gout treatments that can help you in getting rid of your gout problems. 

 Drink water 

When you were young, your mother always tells you to drink more water during the day. After all, keeping yourself well hydrated is one of the best ways to keep illnesses at bay and gout pain is no exception. Drinking adequate amounts of water every day will ensure that you are properly hydrated. You should at least drink 2.5 litres of water per day it will help your body to flush out the accumulated uric acid. 

 Regular exercise 

Everyone should exercise regularly. Exercise at least four times a week and exercise at least 30 minutes per session. This will help the body to remove toxins and waste products. You must do some exercise that is more specific to improve the range of motions for your joints because this will be highly beneficial for reducing your gout pain and the frequency of gout attacks. But you must remember to exercise only when the inflammation of your joints has subsided, otherwise it will hurt your joints. 

 Ban alcohol 

Alcohol is a large contributor to the uric acid level in your body. Just one alcoholic beverage per day is enough to significantly increase the risk of gout attacks in that person. The more alcohol you drink the more frequent and painful the attack will be. Alcohol impedes the removal and excretion of uric acid in the body. That is why you must stop consuming alcoholic beverages such as beer and liquors now. 

 Eat fruits 

The common fruits are known to reduce gout pain. Fruits contain high level of vitamin C and bioflavonoids. They are very effective in reducing inflammation of the joints and works well with gout pain. You must increase your consumption of citrus fruits such as berries, oranges and strawberries. This is one of the best natural gout treatments available. 

 Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar has more uses that any items you can find in your kitchen. It will help with stopping the pain of gout. You need to consume it regularly. Just mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon of honey with a cup of water. Drink at least once a day. This natural gout treatment is the best. It works well and works fast. 

 The 5 top natural gout treatments will work for your gout pain. You just have to give it a try and don't give up if it doesn't work at first.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Gut Flora and How It Contributes to Allergies

The sources of your allergies can be hard to identify, and what is hard to identify can be impossible to treat. Allergies normally come from abnormalities in your immune system, and beneficial bacteria in the intestines play a major role in keeping your immune system working up to par. About 85% of your immune system is located in the intestinal area, so keeping a digestive tract that is healthy is vital. A healthy diet will help to heal the intestines from any leakage that may come from toxins and nutritional problems through poor diet. 

Gut flora is a term we use for the complex of microorganisms that live in our intestinal tract, or gut. Many health experts think that gut flora is an overlooked component of health, as these tiny organisms play a significant role in if we stay healthy. But when we use the term we have to understand that there is both good and bad gut flora. Having a greater understanding of how to produce more good bacteria to defend our system against the bad is what we will talk about on our site. 

The bacteria in our intestines will protect the lining in our intestines from breaking down, as gut flora plays a major role in protecting it. Without that protection the gut lining can deteriorate, causing small lesions that allow undigested food to leak through the gaps in the intestinal walls. This undigested or partially digested food is unrecognized by the immune system and attacks them. This results in all sorts of immune responses in the form of allergic reactions. 

The objective with our diet is to make sure the intestinal walls are healthy and sealed tight, not allowing the allergy-causing triggers to escape until they are absorbed at the right time into the bloodstream. Let us suggest four categories of foods. 

1. The Mediterranean diet. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat that is believed to reduce belly fat in many people. Olive oil is a staple in the Mediterranean diet. Too much extra weight in the stomach area puts additional pressure on the entire stomach area, causing stress that can result in damage to the walls of the intestines. Other foods that help in this area, if taken in moderation, include avocados, nuts and seeds (particularly flaxseeds, walnuts and sunflower seeds), dark chocolate and olives. 

2. Foods that soothe the stomach. Oatmeal perhaps tops the list, as it is known as a demulcent because it becomes slippery when wet and soothes and coats the stomach. Other foods that relax and soothe the digestive track are cinnamon, cumin, ginger, mint, caraway and fennel. 

3. Feed your gut good bacteria. The key word here is probiotics, which are different types of healthy bacteria. Fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut and miso do the trick, as well as fermented vegetables, which are increasingly becoming a large part of a healthy diet for many people. Also, look for foods that are natural probiotics and also contain soluble fiber like garlic, honey, onions and bananas. 

4. Fiber rich foods. Fiber is important for overall digestive health, and eating a variety of fiber is vital for optimum digestion. All types of vegetables, many fruits but particularly citrus, whole grains and wheat bran are especially good sources. Just be sure to drink plenty of water for the fiber can work its magic the best.

Grilled Salmon With Tomato and Basil

This recipe is so beautiful and yet so simple to prepare—it’s perfect for entertaining. You just spread a side of salmon with minced garlic, sprinkle with fresh basil, then layer sliced tomatoes on top. Put it on the grill for 10 minutes and you’re done!

Grilled Salmon With Tomato and Basil

Prep: 30 minutes | Total Time: 30 minutes
  • 2 cloves
    garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon
    kosher salt, divided
  • 1 tablespoon
    extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 whole
    wild salmon fillet, also called a “side of salmon, about 1 1/2 pounds
  • 1/3 cup
    fresh basil, plus 1/4 cup, thinly sliced, divided
  • 2 medium
    tomatoes, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 teaspoon
    freshly ground pepper

  1. Preheat grill to medium.
  2. Mash minced garlic and 3/4 teaspoon salt on a cutting board with the side of a chef’s knife or a spoon until a paste forms. Transfer to a small bowl and stir in oil.
  3. Check the salmon for pin bones and remove if necessary. Measure out a piece of heavy-duty foil (or use a double layer of regular foil) large enough for the salmon fillet. Coat the foil with cooking spray. Place the salmon skin-side down on the foil and spread the garlic mixture all over it. Sprinkle with 1/3 cup basil. Overlap tomato slices on top and sprinkle with the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper.
  4. Transfer the salmon on the foil to the grill. Grill until the fish flakes easily, 10 to 12 minutes. Use two large spatulas to slide the salmon from the foil to a serving platter. Serve the salmon sprinkled with the remaining 1/4 cup basil.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Cashew Chicken Salad Wraps

 Not only is it incredibly easy to make, it's bright tastes and colors tease of warmer weather. I love the paring of flavors, from the nuttiness of the sesame oil, the crunch of the cashews, and the sweetness of the mandarin oranges. And don't skip the fried noodles. (They add the ultimate finishing touch.) Wrap it up in a tortilla or serve it in a bowl—it's delicious either way!

Cashew Chicken Salad Wraps

Makes 4 wraps
3 cups shredded cooked chicken
1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 teaspoons rice vinegar
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/4 cup roughly chopped cashews or peanuts
1/4 cup sliced green onions (white part only)
1/2 cup sliced mandarin oranges or clementines, divided
2-3 tablespoons finely chopped red cabbage
Kosher salt and pepper, to taste
Fried Lo Mein noodles, for serving
4 wraps or tortillas
In a large bowl, combine the chicken, mayonnaise, rice vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, and Dijon mustard until combined. Season generously with salt and pepper, to taste. Fold in the cashews, green onions, half of the mandarin oranges (the citrus will crush; you want this to happen), and the chopped red cabbage. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to allow flavors to marry. Taste and adjust ingredient amounts to personal preference. Spread a wrap with a dollop of chicken salad. Garnish with a few mandarin oranges and fried noodles and roll up, sealing with a toothpick if necessary.
(Note: This salad is equally good served in a large bow or as a regular sandwich; garnish with remaining mandarin oranges and fried noodles before serving.)

Man Heals Cancer with Diet, Gets off 25 Medications

Man Heals Cancer with Diet, Gets off 25 Medications

Go herbal for a healthy mouth

A clean mouth is a healthy mouth. Pleasant breath, clean teeth and healthy gums all contribute to a beautiful smile. There are numerous mouth-care products available in the market today. But they should be selected with care as many conventional toothpastes and mouthwashes contain ingredients that are unhealthy or even toxic. Hence is advisable to use herbal products for dental care. Why are natural products beneficial? Most conventional toothpastes and mouthwashes on the market contain unnecessary and sometimes harmful ingredients. As much as we may avoid it, while using the products a certain amount is swallowed or absorbed directly into the bloodstream because the products come into direct contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth.Some of the harmful ingredients are artificial colors ,foaming agent sodium lauryl and fluoride. Although studies show that fluoride helps prevent tooth decay, controversy exists over the safety of fluoride because it has been linked to immune dysfunction. Natural toothpastes rely instead on safe cleansing agents like baking soda, salt, and bamboo powder. These toothpastes and mouthwashes are sweetened with vegetable Glycerin. They also contain essential oils such as clove , peppermint, eucalyptus , lavender and neem. Even dental floss is a source of toxic chemicals.Many brands’ nonstick coatings contain perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), which have been linked to Cancer. Healthier choices are natural dental flosses made with vegetable waxes and Beeswax and flavored with essential oils. Home remedies for a healthy mouth Brush and floss daily to sweep away plaque.Use a soft toothbrush as hard toothbrush can wear away tooth enamel.Use mouthwash between meals to remove stray food particles.Once in a while use the simple home tooth whitening treatment.Mix 1 tablespoon each of baking soda ans hydrogen peroxide and brush your teeth with the mixuture for two minutes.Rinse thoroughly and dazzle everyone with your smile! Via:Natural Image1

Raw chocolate and coconut balls

Raw chocolate and coconut balls

New MRI technique confirms that cancer feeds on sugar

New MRI technique confirms that cancer feeds on sugar

Sunday 4 August 2013

Never Too Old To Exercise

The word is out that we live in a very youth oriented society. That may well be true when it comes to fashion and many other things but it is not true when it comes to exercise. Thankfully there are hundreds (thousands actually) of examples of people who are continuing to exercise into their 80's, 90's and beyond. They realize that they do not have to spar with a punching dummy every day or grab a gym bag and head to a sports facility in order to make exercise a part of their lives. They just find something physical that they enjoy and do it. They swear that it keeps their spirits young and is good for their bodies too. 

An amazing Indian man named Fauja Singh recently completed what he says will be his last marathon even though he will continue to run "on his own" daily. There are some amazing statistics about this man. He didn't even start walking until he was five years old because of weakness in his legs. Currently, Singh is 102 years young. He didn't start competing in marathons until after his 89th birthday and did so as a way to combat the depression that engulfed him following the death of his beloved wife and one of his sons. He runs daily. Can you imagine someone his age running daily when many people twenty and thirty years his junior are vegging on their sofas being entertained by mindless television with their only exercise getting up for food or to go to the restroom. 

Singh doesn't claim any "secret" or magic formula for his commitment to exercise. He claims that it was what "brought him back to life" and allowed him to reconnect with the business of living after so much sadness and turmoil had darkened his days. He credits running with saving his life and gives the following advise to anyone who cares to hear it. "Laughter and happiness is what life should be about, that's your remedy for everything". He shows wisdom even beyond his numerous years - you just have to love that man. Singh provides an example that more of us should follow. Some estimates put the number of people between the ages of 65 and 74 who do not exercise as 3 out of 4. That is an alarming and sad statistic especially since it has been proven that exercise is exactly what is needed to ward off many of the problems that come about with aging. 

While there seems to be a rather pervasive attitude of "being too old, or too tired or too sick" to exercise by many seniors, it should be included in the lives of nearly all of us regardless of age. Chhandra Dutta PhD. Who serves as the Chief of Clinical Gerontology Branch of the National Institute On Aging advises seniors to exercise as a way to prevent bone loss, improve balance and coordination, lift your spirits, boost your memory, and ease symptoms of many chronic conditions. These are improvements almost anybody would like to see. What, then is keeping older people from making exercise a part of their daily lives? For many it may be because they have never found it to be an important part of life for them even when they were younger and feel that it's useless to try to incorporate it now. 

The facts, however, do not support that thinking. We see evidence that it is never too late to begin an exercise routine. Start slowly. Find something that feels right for you or that interests you and set a date to begin - the sooner the better. Like Fauja Singh, you may find that it will give you a completely new lease on life.