Tuesday 17 December 2013

3 Ways To Avoid Gaining Belly Fat Over Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, your fitness and healthy eating schedule can be easily forgotten. Everybody is entitled to a few treats over Christmas, but you don't want to start suddenly gaining belly fat when you've been trying to lose it for the past few months. Controlling your weight and fitness over the Christmas period can be easy if you plan ahead and carry on with your workout routines.
Here are 3 ways to avoid gaining belly fat over Christmas:
1. Quick Workouts
Resistance and strength training is one of the best ways to avoid gaining belly fat at any time whether it's Christmas or not. If lack of time is an issue, do your workout in the morning so it's done before everything else. Try combining exercises together to save time, such as squats with an overhead press or lunges with a bicep curl. Also, get some cardio exercise into your day by using the stairs at work, parking your car a bit further away from your destination or get off one stop early if you're using public transport. You can also plan things to do during the Christmas break like a walk after lunch or games in the park.
2. Watch What You Eat And Drink
Over-eating lots of high-calorie, non-nutritious foods is one of the main reasons for gaining belly fat during the Christmas holidays. But if you follow a rule of portion control, it will help. For example, if you're eating from a buffet, take what you want and then go and sit somewhere else. If you eat next to the table you will eat more. Also, eat small, healthy meals or snacks throughout the day to keep your energy up and then you can enjoy your main meal without over-eating because you're feeling starved.
Alcohol is a major cause of fat belly weight gain. Two bottles of beer can have more calories than a large slice of sponge cake. To avoid gaining belly fat when enjoying your favourite tipple over Christmas, opt for a low calorie mixer or soda. Also drinking water in between alcoholic drinks is a good way to minimize your calorie intake and also helps to keep you hydrated.
3. Control Your Stress
Christmas can be a stressful time and stress is a one of the reasons for gaining belly fat. When you're extremely stressed, your body produces cortisol, which can increase fat storage in the stomach area. Many people turn to comfort foods, like chocolate, when dealing with stress. The key is to be conscious of your stress and try different techniques before turning to food for relief. Exercise is a great stress reliever, so don't give up on your workouts. Another way to control stress is to slow down your breathing. Deep breathing can help slow your heart rate and blood pressure while relaxing the muscles and calming the mind.


100 Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods

100 Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods

Tuesday 10 December 2013

More Evidence that Sugar Fuels Cancer Growth

Cancer is not a curse – it is a lifestyle! You may have certain genetic risk factors for cancer, however, it is your lifestyle that activates those genes and allows cancer to develop. In fact, cancer develops over many years as a result of the combined effect of daily lifestyle choices. New research, reported in the New York Times Health blog, adds further evidence that sugar consumption – especially sugary drinks fuels the growth of cancer.

Few words have the ability to strike such fear into one’s heart as the words: “You have cancer.” In our society, cancer is viewed as a raging enemy that is stalking us, preparing to pounce when we are most unaware. However, this is simply an inaccurate view of this disease.
The truth is that cancer is not a curse that strikes randomly. It follows a very specific pattern. It actually develops when it is most expected to. It is not the result of a random curse but rather, it is the result of a specific lifestyle. The good news about this is that you can literally choose to live a cancer-proof lifestyle. You can beat the odds of cancer!

Sugary Drinks Shown to Increase Cancer Risk

Though this study adds more evidence that sugar fuels cancer, this is not new information. Many studies have documented this for many years. In fact, this MRI Study(3) takes advantage of this characteristic of cancer in order to more easily visualize cancer cells. It was noted that tumor cells consume much more glucose (sugar) than normal, healthy tissues.
This new study published last month in the Journal, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention(2), documented that all sugar caused an increase in risk of endometrial cancer in women. They noted a more concerning risk associated with sugar-sweetened drinks, such as soda, Gatorade, sweet tea, etc. In fact, those in the highest one-fifth for sugar sweetened drink consumption had a 74 percent higher cancer risk than those in the lowest one-fifth!
It is quite amazing that something as simple as dietary sugar has such a huge effect on your risk of developing this frightening disease. Once again, this demonstrates that cancer is not the result bad genes or bad luck. It is the result of bad lifestyle choices!

Related Article: Do You Choose Cancer or Does Cancer Choose You?

Living a Cancer Proof Lifestyle

Dr. Patrick Quillin has worked with hundreds of cancer patients as the director of nutrition for Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa, OK. He noted:
“Of the 4 million cancer patients being treated in America today, hardly any are offered any scientifically guided nutrition therapy beyond being told to “just eat good foods.” Most patients I work with arrive with a complete lack of nutritional advice. I believe many cancer patients would have a major improvement in their outcome if they controlled the supply of cancer’s preferred fuel, glucose… Controlling one’s blood-glucose levels through diet, supplements, exercise, meditation and prescription drugs when necessary can be one of the most crucial components to a cancer recovery program.”(5)
This 2009 study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine(6), showed the dramatic anti-cancer effect of adopting just four very simple lifestyle modifications. The researchers showed that more than a third of all cancers were prevented in participants who simply adhered to 4 simple behaviors (not smoking, exercising 3.5 hours a week, eating a healthy diet [fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and limited amounts of meat], and maintaining a healthy weight [BMI <30]). So much more than this is possible when we maximize these lifestyle choices. Here are some great tips to help you do just that.

Related Article: Healing Cancer Naturally – Resources and Stories

  1. Detoxify Your Life – Toxic chemicals are everywhere in our modern society. From our foods, medicines and vaccines to our skin care and personal care products. We are overloaded with toxicity, especially in the U.S. This toxicity weakens our immune system, preventing it from killing cancerous tumor cells as it normally does day in and day out.
  2. Eliminate Refined Sugar – Sugar feeds tumor cells. Sugar creates an acidic environment in the body that allows tumors to thrive! Over-consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates causes inflammation throughout your body as well. Inflammation is an underlying cause of many diseases, from heart disease and diabetes to cancer.
  3. Maximize Plant-Based Nutrition – Vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds are the only source essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support your immune system. Vegetables contain many thousands of phytochemicals that literally kill cancer cells.
  4. Bask in the Sunshine – We have been taught to avoid sunshine because it causes skin cancer. However, this has only resulted in more carcinoma cases. Why? Because unprotected sun exposure is how your body makes vitamin D. Other than supplementation, you do not get significant amounts of vitamin D from any other other source. Vitamin D is essential for your immune system to function normally and kill cancerous cells. We were created to thrive on sunshine – our bodies require it!
  5. Boost Your Oxygen Intake – Every cell of your body requires oxygen for normal metabolism, to produce energy and to rid itself of toxins. When cellular metabolism is interfered with and toxicity builds up, cancer is the natural result. To effectively deliver oxygen into the three trillion cells of your body, you need regular, high intensity exercise. Exercise is not only good for your heart but it prevents cancer as well. Recent research has shown that simply walking one hour each day lowers breast cancer risk by 14 percent. However, performing more vigorous exercise (high intensity interval training, for example) lowers your risk by at least 25 percent.(7)
  6. Optimize the Healing Power of Your Nervous System – Your nervous system controls all health and healing in your entire body, including your immune system. When it is stressed, your healing is hampered. Chiropractic physicians are specifically trained to correct this cause of disease. Dr. Ronald Pero, the chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventative Medicine Institute found that people who received regular chiropractic care over a five-year period had a 200% greater immune competence than those who had not received chiropractic care. The chiropractic group also showed a 400% greater immune competence than people with cancer and other serious diseases.(8)
Cancer is not a curse – it is a lifestyle. Start maximizing your Optimal Healing Lifestyle today!