Monday 25 November 2013

Treating Knee Pain

Knees can hurt for many reasons like overuse, underuse, overweight, falling on them, many reasons. It is easy to tweak your knee when your body turns but your foot does not. And, don't discount the repetitive knocks our knees get just in living a normal life. Any and all of these can cause massive wear and tear on our knees.
One more thing that can cause knee pain, uneven muscle strength between your quadriceps-the muscle group on the front of your thigh-and your hamstrings-the muscle group on the back of your thigh.
So, your knees hurt. What can you do about it? If your knee pain is severe, see a doctor to find out the extent of any wear and tear to the knee, whether any knee repair is necessary. More than likely, if you are a candidate for surgery, the doctor will have you do exercises to prepare for surgery anyway, so keep reading.
If your knee pain is just an irritating, nagging type of knee pain, you may be able to resolve your pain or at least improve your mobility through exercise. The purpose behind these exercises is primarily to improve the strength and balance between the two muscle groups: quadriceps and hamstrings.
Isometric knee exercises
Isometric exercises are static, or still, exercises. You do not use motion or weights, just static muscle work holding the muscle in tension for a period of time. The two isometric exercises that I describe here are called quad(ricep) sets and ham(string) sets can be used for stability or as a warm-up for other exercises.
I like to use quad sets and ham sets just for stability. One of my knees suffered an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear several years ago and I was able to avoid surgery, largely due to these exercises. By the way, if you are a weekend jock and intend to keep being a jock, you probably should go ahead with ACL repair if you get a significant tear. You can only make it worse by playing hurt.
For either of these exercises you can lie flat but you get more benefit if you are sitting up on a relatively firm surface, propping up your upper body on your extended arms.
Quad sets
  1. Seated on a firm surface like an exercise mat or your bed, extend your legs out in front of you, keeping them close together.

  2. Flex your ankle so you are pulling your toes up toward your knee

  3. Tighten the tops of your thighs. Imagine you have a ball under the back of your knee and you are trying to squash it. If you have some discomfort doing this, roll up a washcloth, place it under your knee, and squash it for real. It helps with the visualization and gives you a sense of security.

  4. Hold as tight as you can for six seconds. Maintain normal breathing. Muscles need oxygen so breathing is important.

  5. Perform ten repetitions.
Ham sets
  1. Seated on a firm surface like an exercise mat or your bed, extend your legs out in front of you, ankles about shoulder width apart.

  2. Bend your knees until they are at least 6-to-10 inches off the exercise surface.

  3. Flex your ankles, pulling your toes up toward your knees.

  4. Dig your heels into the exercise surface as if you were trying to drag the surface with your heels up to your buttocks. Don't allow your heels to move. Just pull against the surface until you feel your hamstrings tighten and then hold.

  5. Hold this position for six seconds. Maintain normal breathing.

  6. Perform ten repetitions.
Isotonic exercises
Isotonic is the opposite of isometric. You perform isotonic exercises in motion, moving through a full or partial range using weights or some other form of resistance. Sometime the exercise is a combination of isometric and isotonic, like doing biceps curls with a dumbbell and then holding the flex static for a count of 30 on the last curl.
You can add ankle weights to any of these exercises but I recommend practicing without weights for a time or two, to educate your body to the motion before you add any weight. I would also start with very little weight and build up.
'Drakes' are so named for the late Ducky Drake, a coach and trainer at UCLA who came up with these exercises for his players.
  1. Seated on a firm surface like with your legs out in front of you, bend your left leg so that your foot is next to your right knee. This is for stability.

  2. Set your right quad for a count of 2, tightening the quadriceps like in the Quad Set exercise.

  3. Without losing the tightness of the set, keeping your ankle flexed and leg straight, raise your leg until your heel is 4 to 6 inches off the surface.

  4. Set the quad even tighter for a count of 2. Movement relaxes your muscle tension so you are regaining any tension that was lost

  5. Do not loosen the tension in the quad and lower the leg to the surface.

  6. Tighten the quad for a count of 2 for the same reason as step 4.

  7. Relax for a count of 2. Ensure you relax the leg completely.

  8. Perform three sets of 10 with at least a two-minute break between each set. In other words, rest your right leg while you do the Drakes with your left leg.
One set of 10 will make a difference in your life but if you want real strength and stability, you will do three sets. If you are doing these therapeutically, you will do them a couple of times a day.
Hamstring curls
If you do these using a hamstring curl machine at the gym, pay special attention to steps 2 and 3.
  1. Lying on your stomach on a firm surface with your legs extended.

  2. Flex your ankle so your toe is pulled up as far as it can go.

  3. Bend your right leg bringing your heel up toward your buttocks. Do not allow the heel to go past the line of the knee. You really don't want to force the knee capsule too far. It is the same reason you don't allow your butt to go lower than your knees when you are doing squats. When you bend your knee past 90°, the exercise does not benefit the muscles and could create undue stress and unnecessary stretching in the knee capsule.

  4. Straighten your leg again.

  5. Rest and repeat for 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

  6. Repeat on the other side. Actually, with these, it is easiest to do 10 on one side and then 10 on the other until you have done the 3 sets.
Short-arc Quads
For this exercise, you need a firm padded roll under your knee that bends the knee at about 45°. I filled a 3-pound coffee can with sand and taped the top on. Then I wrapped it in a folded towel. That made it just about the right thickness and firmness for short-arc quads.
Short-arc quads are called that because you don't move the lower leg through its complete arc. You do a short arc. If you work out at a gym, this is something you can do on the quad machine as well, just go through the last 45° of arc on the machine.
  1. Seated on a firm surface like an exercise mat or your bed, bend your left leg so that your foot is next to your right knee. This is for stability.

  2. Place the roll under your right knee.

  3. Flex your right ankle so that the toe is pulled up toward your knee.

  4. Straighten your right leg. Actually, a better way to do this exercise is to tighten your quadriceps, almost like you were trying to squash the roll, until the leg straightens from the shear effort of your push. It's a mental thing that gets better results than just lifting your lower leg.

  5. Do ten repetitions and switch sides.

  6. Do three sets of ten on each leg.
Abductors and Adductors
Abduction moves your limb out to the side, away from the midpoint of your body. So, the abductors of your leg allow you to move your leg out and away from your body laterally, to the side.
Adduction is a movement that moves your limb to and across the midline of your body. So, the adductors of your leg allow you to cross your legs.
If you were doing anything like those awful tire exercises at football camp, you would need very stable abductors counterbalanced by strong adductors.
FYI: most clinicians use the terms A-B-duction and A-D-duction. This is so that they are clear which muscles they are talking about. Yep, they sound out the first two letters when talking about your A-B-ductors or A-D-ductors.
Abductor to-the-front exercise
The abductors for your leg, are all in the hip and thigh region, obviously, since the lower leg only moves back and forward. Interestingly, only one major abductor muscle is in the thigh while several more are in the pelvic cavity and one is on the hip.
These exercises, therefore, are also good for strengthening and stabilizing the hip region. Your hip, like your shoulder, is a ball-and-socket joint meaning it has circular plane of motion while the knee itself is a simple hinge joint meaning it has only the one plane of motion. To strengthen and stabilize the knee, you must also have stability in your hip.
  1. Lying on your left side, bend your left knee up in front of you so that your left foot is under your right knee. Brace yourself with your right hand and arm in front of you.

  2. Straighten your right leg and set the quad, flexing your ankle so that the toe is pulled up as far as possible like in the Quad Set exercise.

  3. Keeping your quad firmly set and the outside of your foot parallel to the ceiling, use the muscles of your hip and thigh to move your foot forward at a slant. Your foot should start at just above the exercise mat or bed and end up at about 12-to-18 inches off the bed.

  4. Return the foot to the neutral position and relax the set.

  5. Repeat 10 times.

  6. Roll over and repeat using the left leg.

  7. Perform 2 sets of 10 each leg.
Note: Ensure you relax between each rep. You still get some benefit if you don't but you will not get the full benefit.
Abductor to-the-back exercise
The reciprocal of the front abductor exercise is the abductor back exercise. This is a more difficult exercise if only because we don't make this motion often enough to have good mobility in this direction. Pay attention to the instructions, especially the extra information that points out where you can go wrong.
  1. Lying on your left side, bend your left knee up in front of you so that your left foot is under your right knee. Brace yourself with your right hand and arm in front of you.

  2. Straighten your right leg and set the quad, flexing your ankle so that the toe is pulled up as far as possible like in the Quad Set exercise.

  3. Keeping the leg straight, your quad set, and the side of your foot parallel to the ceiling, use the muscles of your hip and thigh to move your foot back behind you at a slant. Your foot should start at just above the exercise mat or bed and end up and end up at about 12-to-18 inches off the bed. Try to avoid any motion of your upper trunk. This gets easier as your condition improves.

  4. Return the foot to the neutral position and relax the set.

  5. Repeat 10 times.

  6. Roll over and repeat using the left leg.

  7. Perform 2 sets of 10 each leg.
Adductor exercises
  1. Lying on your right side, bend your left knee and flare your leg out so that your left foot is tucked behind your right knee. Brace yourself with your left hand and arm in front of you. Note: I have also seen this with the left leg bent up in front of the right knee. You should experiment.

  2. Straighten your right leg and set the quad, flexing your ankle so that the toe is pulled up as far as possible like in the Quad Set exercise.

  3. Lift you right leg off the exercise surface about six inches, keeping your inner ankle pointed at the ceiling.

  4. Repeat 10 times.

  5. Roll over and repeat for the left leg.
Toe press ups
Toe press-ups are a stability exercise. You can do them sitting or standing. I personally prefer sitting until I know that the knee capsule is strong enough to handle any missteps.
In case you doubt the efficacy of toe presses for knee stability, grab your knee just above the kneecap so that your thumb is on the inside of your thigh and your fingers on the outside. Do the exercise. Can you feel the muscle action that is required to perform a toe press? Amazing, isn't it?
Standing toe press ups
  1. Place the balls of your feet on the edge of a rise or step. Ensure you have good support in case you slip. A stairway with two handrails is good, a much shorter rise of 1-to-2 inches is better.

  2. Straighten your legs and set your quads like in the Quad Set exercise.

  3. Using ankle action and a lot of calf muscle, rise up onto the balls of your feet.

  4. Maintaining control, lower your feet again allowing the heels to fall below the level of the step or riser.

  5. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for 20 repetitions.
Sitting toe press up using a leg press exercise machine
  1. Place the balls of your feet on the bottom edge of the leg press foot plate. Do yourself a favor and set the weights to the lightest resistance. See how you feel the next day before increasing the weights.

  2. Straighten your legs and set your quads like in the Quad Set exercise.

  3. Using ankle action and a lot of calf muscle, press the plate away from your body.

  4. Maintaining control, flex your ankles allowing the press to pass the heels.

  5. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for 20 repetitions.
Sitting toe press up using a stretchy strap or tube
  1. Sitting comfortably on any surface, place the ball of one foot in the center of the stretchy strap (elastic bands) or tube (Theratube).

  2. Straighten your leg and set your quad like in the Quad Set exercise.

  3. Using ankle action and a lot of calf muscle, point the toe away from your body.

  4. Maintaining control, flex your ankle allowing the toe to flex past your heel.

  5. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for 20 repetitions on each leg.
I have seen people do both legs with the stretchy device but it can force the ankles to roll in and actually create instability and pain so best you do one leg at a time with the stretchy stuff.

Stress: The New Cause of Alzheimer's Disease

Stress: The New Cause of Alzheimer's Disease

Sunday 17 November 2013

How To Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit

How To Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit

Pimples: What Causes Them and How to Get Rid of Them

Pimples, known as spots, zits or acne, confidence-killers or the buzz-kill of an otherwise happy day, are small lesions or inflammations of the skin. These inflammations are caused by bacterial infection within the hair follicle of the skin. When dead skin cells collect within the hair follicle, the sebum produced (a waxy/oily substance meant to lubricate the skin and hair) within the pore cannot escape. This accumulated and blocked sebum has bacteria, including propionibacterium acnes; it is a slow-growing bacteria which is the source of acne. Acne bacteria generally live harmlessly on our skin - however, when the conditions are right, (clogged pores + hormones, sweating and other factors) it can reproduce rapidly. The bacterium feeds off the sebum and produces a substance that causes an immune response. This leads to inflammation of the skin, eventually revealing itself as a pimple -- an inflammatory lesion of acne that becomes pus-filled to varying degrees. Acne bacterial infection can be growing under your skin for up to 8 weeks before appearing as an acne lesion, which is one of the reasons that it takes 4-8 weeks for most acne treatments to work.
It is a myth that acne is caused by poor hygiene! In fact, excess washing or scrubbing can irritate and over dry the skin, which can further inflame skin and cause increased oil production. Unclean hair, cell phones and pillowcases can transfer unwanted acne bacteria to the skin.
There is little evidence that diet causes acne. However, greasy foods touching your skin can cause breakouts around the lips, due to grease being deposited on the skin and clogging the pore, more than for any dietary reason.
The 5 types of pimples:
1. Pustules - These are pimples full of pus and are clearly visible on the surface of the skin. The base is red and the pus is on the top.
2. Whiteheads - These are very small and remain under the skin, appearing as a small, flesh-colored papules.
3. Blackheads - Appear as a black-filled pore. Some people mistakenly believe they are caused by dirt, because of their color. It is actually oxidized dead skin cells blocking the opening of the pore.
4. Cysts - these are clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are filled with pus and are usually painful. Cysts commonly cause scaring.
5. Papules - these are small, rounded bumps on the skin which are often pink.
6. Nodules - these are morphologically similar (similar structure) to papules, but larger. These are often painful and are embedded deep in the skin.
How to get rid of pimples?
Keeping those pores clear is key! Actually - keeping clear pores is the one and only way to control acne breakouts. Since acne bacteria lives naturally on our skin, there is no permanent medical cure for pimples.
The good news?
Clear skin is possible! Pimples can be managed with consistent care and a good acne treatment. What to use? It depends on your level and type of acne. There are many natural remedies that are beneficial to acne-prone skin, but won't go far with persistent acne. There are many prescription medications that can be helpful, especially with chronic and cystic acne. If you are an acne sufferer who does not want to use prescription meds, or experiences mild to moderate acne, it is well worth it to try an over-the-counter acne medication. Salicylic Acid medications work by exfoliating the dead skin cells out of your pores - which is the primary goal. Salicylic Acid is also the best for clearing and prevention of blackheads, too. Find one that includes anti-inflammatory effects for quick, viewable results. Benzyol Peroxide works by drawing out the infection. It can be harsher on your skin, but it is very effective for some people. Some treatments use a mixture of both medicines. The best thing to do is start with the most gentle and natural treatment first. Keep experimenting until you find what works for your individual skin, by giving each treatment a try for 2-4 weeks, unless you experience negative side effects. Most companies will give you your money back if you don't see the results you were looking for.
Important to know:
1. Controlling acne is a lifestyle. Consistency is key! Acne bacteria is extremely adaptable, and will out-wit your acne medication if you allow it! So keep up the good work and you can beat acne!
2. Don't let acne ruin your skin. Picking your skin easily causes scabbing, scarring and dark spots. Be kind to your skin and treat with an acne treatment, trying not to pick at your blemishes. If you already have dark spots and scarring, don't let it get you down. There are products and procedures such as laser to help this - it is not necessarily permanent.
3. If acne is causing you to change your lifestyle or affecting your self-worth and self-esteem, do see a doctor or dermatologist for advice. Often they have low-cost ways to help your skin.
4. Use an oil free, non-comedic (non-pore-clogging) foundation or cover-up until you get the clear skin that you want - it will really boost your confidence, and will let your pores breathe. You are on your way to great skin!

Monday 11 November 2013

Learn About Aloe Vera

The use of Aloe has been traced back thousands of years to Egyptian civilization. The Egyptions used to call it "plant of immortality". It have even been thought to have been one of the ingredients that Cleopatra used in her beauty regimens. Today aloe is used in commercial cosmetic products around the world and not to mention home remedies too.
Aloe Vera is probably one of the first plant remedies most people today have used. Even without knowing. If you ever had a sunburn and used the sunburn gel with aloe, you have used aloe as a remedy.
Aloe originated on the island of Sacotra in the Indian Ocean. Many years ago immigrants brought and transplanted Aloe into America. Many immigrants weren't sure if America would have the medicinal plants they were used to so they brought them with them.
When you cut the leaves open inside is a bitter tasting juice and a soothing gel. Also inside of each aloe leaf is a clear gel like sap which has an immediate soothing effect on burns and also forms a clear protective seal, allowing healing to take place rapidly. The gel can be placed directly on the affected area.
Aloe is a tender evergreen perennial, which grows up to 24 inches. The leaves are pale green, blade like and are long, very fleshy, tapering, pointed and have spiny teeth along the margins. The plant base is stem-less, but it does eventually produce a stem which will then produce a flower. These are spikes of narrow, trumpet shaped yellow or orange flowers. The stem also provides offshoots for propagation. The root is strong light brown and fibrous.
Aloe needs to be grown in full sun or light shade in a frost-free location with a well-drained gritty soil, two parts compost and one part sharp sand should be good. When growing indoors or out maintain a temperature of 41 degrees F minimum. This is an excellent plant to grow indoors if you like to have indoor plants, or don't have space outside and have to have your plants inside. Propagation of this plant is by removing the offshoots in the summer time and then drying them for two days before planting. Plant them in the spring, Make sure that the soil is at least 70 degrees F before you plant them outdoors or the roots may freeze out, or you can also plant them indoors in a pot.
The components in the aloe leaves contain its medicinal properties that help heal and replenish skin tissue. Aloe has proved useful against acne, dandruff, moisturizes dry, sensitive skin and other dermatological problems, it inhibits inflammation, stops minor bleeding and helps cure eczema, sunburn and other minor burns.
You can take aloe as a laxative; it is commonly used in over the counter laxatives also as it stimulates intestinal activity. Aloe tincture can re-stimulate your appetite if it has waned. Take a few drops in some water or juice.
Aloe is also sometime use orally to treat a variety of conditions, including diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, and osteoarthritis.
You can crush sap from leaves or slice them removing the skin and apply as a poultice for chapped skin, dermatitis, osteoarthritis and eczema.
For a minor burn or sunburn break off a leaf and rub the gel from the leaves on to the affected areas.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Honey Plus Coffee Beats Steroid For Treating Cough

Honey Plus Coffee Beats Steroid For Treating Cough

How To Eat Out Without Gaining Weight

Photo: Getty
Increasingly busy lifestyles, long working hours and numerous daily commitments mean that eating out has become a routine part of modern life. Unfortunately for those who enjoy a restaurant meal, it is likely to mean many extra kilojoules thanks to the mix of larger portion sizes, the heavy use of oil, butter and sauces as well as numerous courses. So if you do find yourself eating out regularly, here is your fail-safe guide to enjoy it without gaining weight.
Always have a snack before you go
Arriving at a restaurant or function starving is a recipe for disaster when it comes to kilojoule control. Not only are you more likely to order much more than you require, you are also more likely to succumb to extras like bread, entrees and drinks. When we eat out, it also often means we are eating a meal later than we usually would. For this reason, grabbing a protein-rich snack like a nut or protein bar, vege sticks with cottage cheese or hommus, or even a protein shake an hour or two before your meal will help to take the edge of your hunger so that you are able to make better choices off the menu.
Choose your cuisines carefully
Indian, Chinese and Thai foods in particular tend to be extremely high in fat because they involve high-fat sauces, like those made of coconut milk, as well as batters and large volumes of oil for frying. When high-fat curries and fried foods are then eaten with large amounts of white rice, noodles and breads, it is easy to see how a kilojoule overload can result. Ideally high-fat cuisines need to be consumed sparingly, just once or twice a month, and it is best to choose plain dishes like vegetable stir-fries, curries and salads over deep-fried options.
Focus on lighter options
Japanese, Greek and even Modern Australian cuisines have a wider range of menu options, which can help you to make healthier choices. Any sort of raw fish, grilled meat or seafood will be a great choice, especially when teamed with a large portion of vegetables or salad.
Size is everything
The truth be known, if we simply ate smaller portions of everything, far fewer of us would have a weight problems. Few of us really need an entree as well as a main course and for most of us an entree-sized portion of heavier foods such as pasta or risotto will be more than sufficient. When the meals are brought out to the table, if serves of pasta, rice or meat are far larger than you need, visualise how much you will eat and then take the excess off your plate and share with your fellow diners.
Always share dessert
When it comes to desserts, no one is saying that you have to avoid them completely, but remember that the most pleasure of a dessert is gained in the first few mouthfuls, so keep your portions small. When you consider that the average serve of dessert will contain as many kilojoules as an entire meal, it makes sense to share your favourite dessert with as many people as possible.
Add vegetables
One the biggest issues with meals consumed away from the home is that they rarely contain the amounts of vegetables or salad that we need for good health and to help us feel full and satisfied. Even though they can be expensive when ordered as sides, it is worth ordering extras to help bulk up your meal so you are not tempted by extra chips or bread.