Tuesday 20 August 2013

Secrets on How to Use Pinterest for List Building

I have recently started a Pinterest account for health and wellness and sharing tips on MS... I found this really easy to read and follow article on setting up your Pinterest account and thought it very useful to share. Sharon 

Tip #1 - Benefit from Your Existing Social Connections Incorporating your current Facebook, MySpace and Twitter accounts to your Pinterest will speedily and conveniently gain you a lot more Pinterest supporters. Performing this and properly setting the authorizations will cause any item you pin to be broadcasted to your followers or friends in the incorporated networking sites. Assuming that you have built strong positive relationships with peers in the other sites, a lot of them will almost automatically support your Pinterest profile. 

Tip #2 - Make it Simple to Pin Your Content You can incorporate Pinterest control buttons into your product pages and other parts of your website to easily gain new Pinterest followers. Because Pinterest is quite new, these buttons can quickly catch the attention of many individuals, who will be encouraged to follow your Pinterest profile and actively interact with your new web page. 

Tip #3 - Build Forums to Support Your Posts You can develop a Pinterest panel that focuses on an aspect of your content. For example, if your web page is about dog training tips and you wish to recommend certain advices; you can establish a Pinterest panel that connects the post with visual illustrations in your Pinterest page. Performing this will make your content much more engaging and will compel online visitors to become loyal to you. 

Tip #4 - Pin Regularly Like other public press web pages, you must be able to pin not too little and not too many articles. Too few articles will make visitors view your profile with very little or no value at all. Too many updates will irritate or frustrate your followers. It is recommended that you must post five to thirty new pins daily. 

Tip #5 - Enhance Your Board Labeling Structure Label your Pinterest panels accordingly and make the names as exciting and as engaging but as easily comprehensible as possible. Appropriate labels are beneficial in acquiring new and maintaining current Pinterest supporters. Your witty panel brands must therefore be straightforward in telling what your boards contain. 

Tip #6 - Personally Curate Your Own Pins If you merely repin content elaborately made by others, you will fail in motivating your Pinterest customers to remain faithful to you. You must therefore strive to generate your own content based on existing effective articles. You can also rely on resources that you're strongly acquainted with but barely known by the Pinterest community. 

Tip #7 - Follow Pinterest Users Like other major social networking sites, following other Pinterest users will increase your chances of having your eloquent and intelligent articles read by many future subscribers. This desirable effect is easier to achieve if you follow power customers. Identify the Pinterest users who are most diligent in posting articles and who have the largest armies of supporters. Follow such users and repin some of their written masterpieces. Some of them will be kind enough to return the favor and this will make you attractive to members of their massive networks. 

Tip #8 - Perform a Pin Exchange Because it's improper to excessively pin your own content, you can negotiate a partnership with other online marketers in your niche and perform a pin exchange. This exchange permits your articles to get endorsed through Pinterest without implying your direct involvement. This approach will strengthen your reputation among the community members and therefore increase your future revenues. 

Tip #9 - Utilize More Boards It's quite obvious that if you present several boards on a wide range of interests and topics, you will be rewarding yourself with high chances of attracting long-term subscribers. It will also be very beneficial for you to develop boards that are based purely on your personal interests. 

Tip #10 - Pin Newsworthy Content You must be viewed as a respected "thought leader" in your niche. You can achieve this desirable status by developing hooks for fresh topics in your niche. You can also develop boards that purely cater to the new fields of interest in your market. 

Tip #11 - Compose Retrievable Captions Pinterest customers look for new interesting pins using interesting keywords. If your pin does not possess those popular and attractive keywords, you will lose the chance to encounter many potential customers. Your pin saying or caption must therefore contain the right keywords aside from being excitingly informative. Keep in mind that you must avoid unnecessary keywords and outdated generic sayings. 

Tip #12 - Only Use Exceptional Photos Pinterest is primarily about picture sharing and you must therefore ensure that you will only pin high quality photos. This exceptional quality must reflect both on how visually attractive the actual pictures are and how interesting are the themes portrayed by the photos.


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