Saturday 6 July 2013


Everyone has down days. Everyone has days when flipping the direction the semi-circle on their face is going in feels impossible. Even people who you consider to be perennially cheery have moments of sadness. This is okay. It’s normal. It’s actually healthy. Feeling is healing, and not something to be judged. However, prolonged sadness is not only not much fun, but it’s an emotion that gets more and more difficult to pull yourself out of the longer you allow yourself to be victimised by it.
The other day I had a meltdown. For a good 30 minutes, I was crouched over at my desk bawling like a baby. It was ‘the ugly cry’ with my face contorted to match the confusion and heartbreak I was feeling on the inside. No one was around, apart from my dog Edie, and so I just let it all fly. I wailed, let the tears stream down my face, and then calmed down slightly. And then I went outside, sat on the grass under some trees and just looked up at the sky. In less than an hour, I was feeling much better and was able to come back inside and get back to work – a feat that felt impossible in the midst of my pity party.
This is the beauty of accepting and allowing yourself to feel however you’re feeling in the moment. The emotion will pass by and you will be blessed with the beauty of clear perspective much faster than if you kept yourself in that dark place by stubbornly refusing to let any light in.
When I’m sad, or angry, or hurt, or feeling any of these uncomfortable emotions, there are several things that instantly make me feel better. Maybe they’ll be the same for you. If you’re feeling a little low, try one or some of these remedies:

1. Take a deep breath.

Go on, do it right now. Take three really deep breaths right into your belly. Feel your diaphragm inflate completely, and then let is out slowly.

2. Connect with nature.

I find that stopping everything and going outside is the quickest way to clear my head. It’s extra powerful when I take my shoes off and allow my energy to be grounded by the earth.

3. Be near the beach.

This is my cure-all. It doesn’t matter how crappy I’m feeling, being near the ocean will make it all better. It’s a combination of the beautiful view, the vast spans of water that puts everything in perspective, and the negative ions emitted by the sea.

4. Go for a walk, run or do yoga.

Exercise will automatically allow me to get out of my head and into my body.

5. Cuddle an animal.

Edie makes everything better. All I have to do is look at her, all cute and innocent and squishy faced and a massive smile will break out across my face. She’s gotten me through so many breakdowns that I don’t know what I would have done without her.

6. Make a meal from scratch.

Preparing a loving, nutritious meal for yourself is one of the most therapeutic things you can do. I like to put on some gentle music, and completely get into the zone of combining flavours and fresh produce. Then, you get to eat. What’s better than that?

7. Write it out.

When you’ve got too many thoughts swirling around your head, get them out by putting them on paper. Or screen. Some people love going old-school with pen to paper, but I prefer to type my issues out onto a blank screen. Then, after I’ve processed whatever I’m dealing with, many of these virtual journal entries morph into blog posts.

8. Meditate.

This is the one I resist most when I really need it the most. Taming the mind with a good medi session is super powerful, and if you can do it when you’re in a low place it will be even more beneficial. To me, meditation is like plugging into that place where I know everything is going to be okay.

9. Watch something funny.

Friends re-runs, anything with Will Ferrell in it, or Russell Brand stand-up – these are the things that have me cracking up and automatically lift my mood. Laughter is not only good for boosting our endorphins (and injecting us with all of the health benefits that go along with that), but it also drags us out of the doldrums toot sweet.

10. Watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

This one might sound odd, but watching something completely superficial like this, and so far removed from whatever I’m going through in my life helps to give me some healthy distance from my problems. It’s a chance to completely switch off my brain. Don’t like KUWTK? Choose any other TV show or movie that will entertain you.

What do you do to cheer yourself up when you’re feeling a bit blue? Share your tips with us in the comments below!

Positive affirmation for the day: I’m doing enough. I have enough. I am enough.

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