Sunday 6 October 2013

8 Things You Should Know About Heartburn

We all know that heartburn is a serious problem. Lots of people are victims of this disease. Millions of people in the USA are victims of this disease. There are many myths about this disease among people. This article talks about some important things you should know about heartburn. If you have this problem, then you could be highly benefited.
Beware of the Symptoms: Most people face heartburn because of acid reflux, but not all people face the same problem. There are many people who face swallowing. So, take all symptoms very seriously.
Antacids are not the Best Solution: Antacids are very common to all of us. If it is an occasional heartburn, then antacids could work well. But if you face the problem twice or more in a week, then you shouldn't take it lightly. Also, if it is too much to bear, then you should visit a doctor to solve your problem. In fact, some people can't sleep well at night due to this problem. 10% of the total people in the USA have chronic acid reflux.
Don't Ignore this Problem: For many people, the symptoms may not be very acute, so they might try to ignore them. This is not a good idea. If you ignore this disease, then you are giving the disease a chance to develop in your body. If you ignore it for a very long time, then it could create ulcers! So, take it seriously to avoid any further complications.
Women are also Vulnerable: Some people think that women are not vulnerable to this disease like men which is a wrong idea. Both men and women are equally vulnerable to this problem. During pregnancy, this problem could occur. Obesity is another risk factor which could trigger the problem.
No Need to Stop Eating your Favorite Foods: If someone has this problem, then all doctors advise them not to eat spicy foods which is not a right advice to everyone. It is found that both chocolate and spicy foods are not responsible to create this problem for everyone. So, the best way to identify the foods which are not good for you is to keep a note of the foods you eat every day.
Don't Eat Before You Sleep: Some of us have a bad habit to sleep as soon as possible after eating dinner. This is a bad practice. Eat minimum two hours before you go to sleep; it will give your stomach enough time to digest.
Lose Some Weight: Try to lose some weight; it could help minimize the problem.
It could be A Sign of Heart Attack: It is rare, but very few people could be unlucky. It could be cardiac related. So, it is a good idea to visit a cardiologist as well.
Heartburn is a very common problem these days. Your lifestyle could minimize this problem. Follow the tips stated above.

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