Saturday 1 March 2014

Poverty - The Most Successful Thief

Poverty is a thief! In fact, poverty is the most successful thief of all time, simply because it continues to rob without consequences. Poverty is by definition - the state of being inferior in quality or extremely poor. In other words poverty is a state of not ever being enough or having enough. From this place absolutely nothing is ever seen correctly, because its view is completely out of alignment with this universe and the creator of it and us. Below are some symptoms of poverty.

Symptoms Of A State of Poverty
Confidence is missing
Feeling that someone else should help you for life to change
Hopelessness in life
Limited in all things
Feelings of inadequacies
Excuses as to why you can't do better
Looking for hand-outs
Habitual procrastination
Lack of responsibility
No hope or plan for a brighter future
Blaming others for state
Feelings of uneasiness or resentment when someone mentions money
Jealousy towards those who have money
Victim mentality
Waiting for someone to come to the rescue
Taking shortcuts to success
Lack of belief in self
Finding excuses for not doing better
The word "can't" is use when asked about living one's dream
Many people are unaware that they are in a state of poverty; and worse still some people know they are in a state of poverty and have accepted that it is all they will ever have. There are some extreme cases of poverty, which need to be eradicated through immediate help, but not without re-education, as without the awareness of who we are as spiritual/human beings, poverty will still exist even with help. Let those of us who are able take up our bed and walk, so that we may help those who are truly vulnerable.
I'm not saying there aren't some situations that are really difficult, but if you feel you are doomed to poverty then you are less likely to see anything else.
In order to release poverty you have to understand who you are in relation to poverty. It is only the realisation of how wealthy you are that can release poverty's hold on you.
Poverty is a blatant thief and if you intend to chop off the hands of poverty in your life then you need to cut all agreements with it. Refuse to have any dealings with it. No matter how tough it may look, remember that poverty is the most successful thief and that it will not stop taking from you until you stop it. Be willing to let go of the excuses and alibis you have created to defend your circumstances. Be willing to open your mind-set to understand exactly what poverty has been able to do in your life up until this point; and then from that place find the abundant thought. Get help if you have to, just refuse to line up with something that will rob your purpose and fulfilment in life.
Begin to line up with your spirit that will always affirm who you are, even if that voice is ever so faint; listen to it and align with it. Also put yourself under the teachings of those who can help you free yourself from poverty's grip. Take responsibility of becoming free from this robber. Empower yourself by taking a stand today and saying goodbye to poverty and embracing the abundant life that you are.
Give poverty its marching boots and embrace your abundance today!
There are many keys to success like, getting our mindset open for it, having persistence and being around people who are thinking like we think and having someone on our side whose only motive is to see us operate in your full potential.

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